For Sharon, writing is like breathing. She's been penning stories since second grade. Sharon is an avid reader, writer, gardener, and jewelry artist living near the Chesapeake Bay, the setting of The Green Man series and upcoming books.
Throughout history, the Green Man has remained a mystery. There are many books and sites that discuss why the Green Man is a universal archetype. Luke Mastin has compiled an outstanding site devoted to the Green Man. You can visit the site by following this link: Check out the gallery of Green Men. It’s…
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In my section of the world, the leaves are changing from green to brilliant hues of orange, red and gold. Festivals abound at this time of year and I was lucky enough to find references to an autumn Green Man … otherwise known as “The Berry Man.” Below are some photos and links: from:…
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Zeleni Jurij – A Slovenian Green Man I have found a decent translation and explanation of the Slovenian Green Man — Zeleni Jurij and a very interesting music video. The story can be found at: on pages 185-186. The book is titled: The Image of the Real World and the World Beyond in Slovene Folk Tradtion…
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It’s easy to feel the influence of the Green Man when out of doors. Look at the trees — the shape of green faces in the leaves looking down, the bark on trees having interesting expressions. Nature is alive and well. The Gardens of Heligan in Cornwall, England have an interesting tale, but also a…
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I was surfing around the internet on this blustery, rainy evening on the Eastern coast of the USA amid flood, storm and tornado watches, and found a link for a “Green Man Trail” in Oxfordshire, England: The site has an excellent trail of Green Man through Oxfordshire–history of the Green Man, historic sites, folklore,…
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