It’s one of those days when I wonder about my life purpose, role, and life itself. I have always thought of people (and I should probably include other organisms in this thought) as being in small bubbles. My theory is that we bump, merge, and break apart in freedom to float through our lives. I also see the incredible, overwhelmingly beautiful machine of people (and organisms) being cogs in the wheel of the great machine of life on earth. It astounds me how we all work together, even with those who look to disrupt the great wheel. It leaves me in awe most days. And this morning, I am wondering about my role. What is my role as I bump, merge, and break free from those around me? I wonder about those I encounter. Do I make them happy, sad, angry, or frustrated? Do they even care?
The unique perspective of each reader is fascinating. Here I am, the author, bumping, merging, and breaking free to and from the readers’ thoughts. Often, when I talk to readers of my books, I am surprised at their insights, thoughts, and criticisms. We do live thousands of lives as readers. We also live a myriad of lives as a writer. Each book is a small achievement in bravery as we hang a portion of our souls in our words. Deep down, I can’t get away from the stories in my hard wiring. They are my bedrock.
And so, I circle back to the beginning, what is my role? Whether or not the stories are public or private, they float, bump, merge, and break free from my own bubble. Where will they go? What adventures do they have in store as they are being read? And how will these bubbles affect my little cog in the wheel of life? I wonder.
Photo by Drew Beamer on Unsplash