My very wise daughter once said that she couldn’t sleep, unless there was an animal sleeping in the house too. The older I become, the more I realize this is true about me as well. I do miss my two-legged family and friends at home, but I also dearly miss my four-legged family. Reggie, my black lab rescue and Velcro dog, Ziva, our ultra-furry grand dog, and our elderly Siamese, Dax. I am part of their pack and they are an integral part of our family.
How wonderful to alight from our rent-a-car in Portobello, Edinburgh, UK to find this lovely, elderly gentleman dog. I am sorry, I was too fatigued upon arrival to understand his name, but he is an amazing dog. I can’t begin to tell you how wonderful it is to have a dog nearby.
Dogs seem to be big here in the UK. When we walked on the beach and along the strand in Portobello, there were dogs of every size, breed, and color. They were a joyful bunch, walking and playing with their owners. I even met my dream-dog, a Scottish deerhound, walking back to the Air BnB last night.
Here’s a toast to our furry friends. Woof! (And meow!)