Whether it’s the original version from Eddie Floyd, or the more recent version from Amii Stewart, the expression to “Knock on Wood” has roots (no pun intended). To save something or save ourselves or bring luck to something by knocking on wood. An article from the Huffington Post suggests that knocking on wood and other superstitious behaviors make us feel better.
The article: “Knock on Wood? Certain Superstitious Actions Make Us Feel Better; Study Shows”
More recently, a TED talk gives an excellent explanation of why these superstitions exist. As mentioned in the TED talk, touching a tree and awakening the spirits within, would give protection and a blessing from the tree spirit within. Listen to the TED talk here.
The Green Man from The Green Man Series has skin like living wood. “Suddenly the zephyr kicked up the leaves as well, and Sylvia saw something like a great, green angel arise in the spot where the mask had lain. Sylvia stood frozen to the spot watching as a face of living wood too shape from the mask-like object, and rose to six feet with leaves flowing over limbs. Her mouth dropped open as the being spoke.
“Sylvia,” a rich baritone came from the creature’s lips, “Do not be afraid. You are part of the pattern.” (The Greening)
Although the main character, Sylvia, doesn’t knock on his skin, the Green Man’s presence is comforting. The Green Man seems to be a good luck charm for her, bringing her comfort and wisdom.
“I’ll always be nearby if you need me,” the Green Man whispered and kissed her, his oak leaf mustache tickling as he kissed. It was a kiss from a friend, a mentor, but passionate at the same time. Sylvia caught her breath. “Keep looking, and listening, and learning,” he told her. (The Greening)
I like all your posts. You have done really good job
Thank you so much! The novels about the Green Man are available at: https://www.amazon.com/s?k=sharon+brubaker&ref=nb_sb_noss_2
All the best!