The quip “I rescue books trapped in the bookstore. I’m not a hoarder, I’m a hero,” has been making the rounds on social media and on a t-shirt I gave to my son. Book immersion, bibliomania, whatever term you would like to coin, is real. I often think I need a 12-step program for my bookaholic actions. Take this morning – The dogs woke me up to go outside at 3:30 instead of my usual 4 am arousal. Fine. I let them out.
I drank coffee and began a cruise through social media and email as I woke up, enjoying the extra bit of quiet time. One email led me to GoodReads. GoodReads is a fantastic invention, but also very, very dangerous! Three book purchases and one audible book purchase later, along with several books added to my wish list, I jumped to Facebook where there was a post of a quote from Jules Renard.
“When I think of all the books still left for me to read, I am certain of further happiness.”
– Jules Renard
Who is Jules Renard? I hadn’t a clue but was intrigued by the quote. The oracle of Google helped save the day. Jules Renard is a famous, French author from the 19th century. His journal is a popular read. Here’s a link to an excellent NY Times article:
Yes, I purchased it. And, he has a book on nature writing! One of my favorite genres – is Histoires Naturelle which I also ordered and can’t wait to read.
I have no control over purchasing books. The joie de vivre from learning about, purchasing, waiting for books, discovering books, holding books, hugging books, smelling books, and reading books is a potent drug.
I am an invincible reader! I am an invincible bibliomaniac! (Despite my husband’s wish for a spousal block for Amazon book purchases…) Never mind, I’m going to do a deep dive into my Kindle and wait anxiously by my mailbox for my purchases and enjoy pure book nirvana.
Happy reading fellow Bibliomaniacs!