Finishing a book involves a little grief. I liken it to becoming an empty-nester. You have given birth to the idea and story, watched it grow, gave it structure, discipline, and much love before pushing it out of the nest to become a thing of its own. You hope for the best. You hope others will love and cherish the story. You hope others will see and feel the magic within the words.
Tides of Blue has gone to be formatted. I’m excited, and I’m a bit sad. When finishing a book, the other books in my head take a back seat for a while. The other stories are there, waiting, but they are respectful, knowing that I need a short time to grieve and then celebrate the coming out of the recently completed tale.
And then, in just a few days, the other stories are clamoring to be told. Two are at the forefront to write next while I edit other books. It’s all a happy task, and I have learned, over the years, that I am at my happiest when writing.