I learned long ago, that I should always have a piece of paper and writing implement nearby. I was looking for a tablet and ran across this passage written at an unknown time. I don’t remember the when, but I do remember the night. This is part of a book to be written in the future.
Like starlight, the morning lights tumbled across the bay sending chaotic messages like a disorientated firefly. Starlight happens due to a disturbance in the atmosphere. There must be breezes over the bay to create the magic of light and movement across the water tonight. The water and sky are a velvety blue-black as the night moves towards dawn. The only sparkle on the water is a dark sparkle, like black spinel.
The dawn finally comes filled with hymns of birdsong praising the start of a new day. Their joy is unbounded as the day begins. The light breaks over the horizon, the light pulsing like blood pumping filling the day with life and energy.