We’re having our first ‘real’ winter storm of the season. Our other predicted storms have been a bust. Something’s going to happen tonight. The birds and squirrels were particularly active at the feeder until late afternoon, when all became quiet. Until this recent storm, the Beauty Berries (Callicarpa Americana) have adorned their branches with clumps of gorgeous purple berries. Bluebirds have been coming in droves to nibble on the bright berries. The branches of the bushes are now bare, brown stalks waving in the winds.
Our dogs and cat are what our family refers to as ‘flat.’ They settle in and lay as still and flat as possible in the house as if the barometer is pushing them down. They’re particularly quiet, and it’s a sign of some impending weather.
I am cozy, writing in front of the woodstove with a lovely glass of red wine. I love winter, but I would be lying if I said I wasn’t dreaming of spring. Plant catalogs are vying for my attention, full of promise and pictures of lush, brilliant foliage and blooms. Yesterday, I walked about the yard thinking of which plants I plan to move or donate to other gardens. I have plants to give to friends and plan the next phase of our garden paradise. I need to unearth and begin my garden journal for 2022 with plant wishes and dreams.
Slowly but surely, we’re filling the yard with natives. We don’t use chemicals, which makes the control of invasive wild strawberry, poison ivy, and other nasties quite difficult. We are working to make our yard animal friendly, sans the deer. Sometimes, I think the deer are worse than the weeds! In fact, know they are! They recently rubbed and broke a very young apple tree and are nibbling at my pagoda dogwoods, which are quite young. But I digress. We’re building a beautiful garden filled with native, bird-friendly plants.
The snow is now falling in a curtain of white. Its pristine beauty is unsurpassed. Happy winter! And a toast to our upcoming Spring!