Green Man Masquerade – Update
Long ago, I blogged about Green Man and Green person costumes. Usually, I take an annual autumn trip to the Renaissance Faire in Pennsylvania or the Maryland Renaissance Faire to find the latest in Green Man apparel. Sadly, a foot surgery has held me back from traipsing the paths of the festivals this year, so I must find a costume update online.
In The Greening, the first book in The Green Man series, Sylvia describes the Green Man as a “great green angel.” She also describes the brocade-like leaves covering his body and his skin of living wood. has a hunting outfit that would fit the bill for a green man costume. With a little makeup, for skin to resemble wood, the hooded, military, Ghillie suit would be a good choice to costume oneself as a Green Man. Here’s a lovely example.
Various leaves and styles are available. I am not promoting any type of firearm or sniper activity with these costumes, but rather the peaceful Green Man of the novels. has a variety of wonderful masks and shoes:
Please note these choices are singular examples of many available on Type ‘leaf costume’ in the search bar to find many phenomenal choices.