I’m back in the (blog) saddle again. Apologies to all my readers for the blog hiatus.
This saddle feels like a tardis of late. Research for upcoming books Tides of Blue, Planting the Seed, and A New Leaf, are set in times from 1860 Eastern Shore Maryland to present day. A huge shout out to Joan Anderson, Librarian at the Kent County Historical Society in Chestertown, Maryland. Joan has pulled key tomes and articles to assist in the research for the upcoming books: Tides of Blue, and Planting the Seed.
- Tides of Blue: A tale of Sea Glass, Time and Tides, begins in Eastern Shore Maryland, on the banks of the Sassafras River in 1860. The novel will touch on how sea glass is a key component of each vignette and how lives can intertwine. While researching and reading the history of Eastern Shore Maryland, I felt I was time traveling via articles and personal ephemera of memories of the people that lived in the past.
- Planting the Seed is the prequel to The Green Man Series. Marian Duir and Holly Ash, Sylvia’s grandmother, meet during the passionate time of the early 1960’s. Civil rights, amazing music, laughter, murder, and of course, the Green Man, star in this novel.
- A New Leaf is the fourth book in The Green Man Series. Readers can follow the continuing stories of Sylvia and Owen, Marian and Jon and Carol and Joe.
Through the amazing talents of Meredith Keating of Grunge Muffin Designs, recipes of some of the yummy foods discussed in The Greening are now available in a cookbook, entitled Marian’s Oakwood Manor Recipes! Marian Duir, a fun and somewhat eccentric character in the Green Man Series and I have the same cooking philosophy — cook with abandon and until it ‘looks right’. and Enjoy the tastes of The Greening by trying out these 7 delectable meals. Vegan/vegetarian options are available for just about every dish.
This cookbook is only available at upcoming book sales and signing events while supplies last. Cookbooks are available for $7 each, or in a bundle for $20 that also includes The Greening, and a printed version of The Greening’s travel guide. Get your copy of the cookbook at these upcoming shows:
- August 3-6: The Brubaker Reunion (open to all) in Millersville, PA
- August 13: Illuminate the Beach in Lewes, DE
- September 10: Illuminate Columbia in Columbia, MD
I will be volunteering at the North American Sea Glass Association Conference in Wilmington, Delaware, September 23rd and 24th. If you like sea glass, this is the place to be! Please note, my books will not be available at this event.
I will also be signing books at the Page after Page book sellers at the Maryland Renaissance Festival on October 8th, 2017! Please note, the cookbook will not be available at this event.
Please Note:
Although my previous blog posts solely focused on the Green Man, upcoming posts will also include research for other novels (like about selkies for example), tidbits on forthcoming books, and upcoming events. Feel free to contact me if you have questions!