NEW DATE! Book Signing at Oxford Public Library
Sharon Brubaker will have a book signing and reading her book ‘Tides of Blue’ at the Oxford Public Library in Oxford, Pennsylvania on Thursday, January 11, 2024 starting at 6:30pm in the Katherine B. Alexander Community Room. Registration is not required but appreciated, you can register here:
Facebook event:
About Tides of Blue…
A Tale of Sea Glass, Time, and Tides
Touching sea glass is touching history. Finding a shard begins a new history in the finder’s life. Follow the trail of a cobalt blue poison bottle and its shards once it’s tossed into the river after a devastating event of life, love, and murder in 1870. The bottle wends its way to the Chesapeake Bay where it shatters. The shards of blue ride the tides to become the history of other loves and other lifetimes in 1918 and the present day. Love, murder, adventure, and sea glass await in Tides of Blue.